Saturday, May 28, 2016

Istanbul | Sounds and of a new (old) city

I forgot how noisy a city can be. I woke our first morning in Istanbul, got up to make tea, walked into the kitchen, saw the light shining through the windows and heard the sounds of the neighborhood. The school next door with the kids squealing with delight, the taxi's and cars making their way down the hill, the seagulls squawking, the call to prayer.

It reminds me of going to school in Florence -- when the noise overwhelmed me at first. In Istanbul, the noise was nostalgic, reminding me of a special time in my life. 

We arrived in Istanbul in the late afternoon on Tuesday and promptly went to the terrace of our building and looked out towards old (really actually ancient) Istanbul. Seeing the old city roll over the hills, hearing the ferries dock and unload, seeing the seagulls fight over whatever they were fighting over and feeling the breeze and the sun around us. 

After 16+ hours of travel plus a 10 hour time difference, it's amazing we didn't fall asleep immediately upon arrival. We met our hosts figured out the lock and keys, and headed out to find our local grocery store. Things are at once familiar and unfamiliar. Dairy - you can always find it but distinguishing between varieties, types and flavors in a foreign language is always a special talent (one I apparently don't have). I ended up buying something more like goat milk yogurt, buttermilk (which is apparently what they drink here), and some fruit and cereal. We ate our breakfast for dinner and made it to 8pm (our goal for the day!) and promptly slept for 14+ hours. 

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